Thursday, June 7, 2012

Our "Ice Cream" Experiment

Who doesn't love ice cream?! I mean even lactose intolerant people like ice cream, they just can't have it! Well, we have been on this sugar free diet for a few weeks now, and I am really trying to be creative with our food choices so the kids don't feel like they don't get the same "fun" foods to eat now and then. So, to that end I hit up pintrest and found (Drum roll please!):
A step by step, pictures included, instructions on how to make ice cream from bananas!! That's it, guys, no milk, no heavy cream, no sugar, no additives, no preservatives and no food dyes. Now, I did add sugar free, fat free chocolate pudding mix, because it seems that's all my son wants to eat, is chocolate. In the link above it says to slice your bananas and freeze in a single layer for 1-2 hours, then use a food processor to get the desired result. They also say they've tried adding cocoa powder and peanut butter and it was yummy, which sounds like it would be! I just froze my bananas for 1 hour, but next time I will freeze them for a full 2 hours  before making the "ice cream". They just weren't solid enough and so I had to add a cup of ice to get an icy texture. I did also add a dash of milk, just because it sounded good to me. :) I AM pregnant, you know! :) You can see Sissy girl here, she loved it, but that was no surprise! Bubba was not interested in eating today, so we will try again later. He's my true gauge of whether or not something is going to work. :) The cool part is it comes out of the food processor as a soft serve consistency, and whatever is left over you can freeze for a hand scoop consistency. 

So, we had so much fun with our ice cream, we decided to try it as a hair dye..... Yes! That's my girl! LOL! What can you do but laugh? Although, I was NOT laughing when I first spotted her wiping her chocolate handfuls in her hair, because I really just wanted to cry, to be honest. But, I pulled up my big girl panties, and gave her a bath instead. :)

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

One day I will miss this...

I was recently thinking about all the little things that make up the substance to my life, and then read and I thought I would share my own things I know I will miss one day. Please know that these may be the very things I sometimes complain about having to "deal" with, but I am trying to just enjoy the moment God has us in, versus being in a constant state of, "I can't wait until ________".  So, please just let me vent when I need to, kay? :)

  • Waking up to little voices saying, "Momma, I love you!"
  • Random hugs and kisses throughout the day for no good reason
  • Silly 2 year old sayings, or thoughts
  • Sweet, pure joy over every day things like birds, and squirrels, and clouds in a blue sky
  • Being needed so much they always want to touch me,... literally!
  • Having people that want to be around me without regard to what I can do to entertain them or benefit them
  • Giggles and tickles
  • "I'm gonna get you, Momma! You better run!"
  • Crazy mis-matched, sometimes backwards or inside out clothing choices
  • Creatively playing with objects without using their intended purpose, because it's fun! Like toilet paper rolls turned into bull horns
  • Watching the every day progress and growth, and then looking back and saying, "Oh look how little s/he was!!"
  • Major mile stones! Walking, talking, crawling, POTTY TRAINING!!!
  • Cribs, baby diapers, baby socks, baby clothes, baby ANYTHING!
  • Crying over what I want for them, and knowing some of it will not happen because I simply can't make them choose anything
  • Little faces so close to my face
  • Their voice right now
  • Singing half of one song and somehow making it turn into another totally different song at the end "Twinkle, twinkle little star, up above the world so high, E-I-E-I-OOOOOOOO!"
  • Car seats that restrain children from flying all over the car, or taking off seat belts
  • Dress up 
  • Baths- This is a hard one for me to remember in the moment to let them enjoy. It's just so messy!
  • Honestly, freely, without hesitation forgiveness
  • "I hold you!"
  • Snuggling in bed for longer than really necessary, just to stay still and hold them, and because they want to lay in Momma's bed!
  • The fun of jumping on, well, anything that bounces... couches, chairs, beds, you name it!
  • Running feet through my house
  • Their affection for each other and other children that is totally foreign to most adults
  • Their naivety- Wish this could last longer without it causing problems in normal adulthood
  • Their love of all living creatures regardless of whether or not they "should" love a certain person, or stranger, or dog, or snake, lol
  • Their kisses to make things better- "you have a head ache, I kiss it!" :) Melts my heart every time!!
  • Little bottoms are soooo adorable! Even if they are being disobedient when I am asking them to come here to put clothes on
  • The sounds of a full house with children. I do NOT look forward to the all day silence, but maybe the first hour will be nice! 

I think I have rambled enough, but this is my thoughts for the day.

Matthew 6:34 "Give your entire attention to what God is doing right now, and don't get worked up about what may or may not happen tomorrow. God will help you deal with whatever hard things come up when the time comes.