Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Today's The DAY!

Today is The Day! August 1rst has been my due date since we found out we were expecting our 3rd baby last fall, and here we are! It's kind of surreal, actually, because I know this is the last time I will feel a baby from the inside, and I am VERY excited about that, yet sad at the same time. The one thing I really love about pregnancy, (and there really is only one thing!), is feeling the baby move. But, in a few short days I will be setting out on another "great adventure" of moving some 400 and something miles away. My poor husband has had to endure an overemotional, crazy, pregnant woman living in his wife's body for the past few months, and the past couple of weeks since we found out we are moving has just intensified this. Pray for him!

Realistically, I am very excited about both the move and this baby's birth. I can't decide which I want to happen first, not that it matters, because I cannot control either at the moment. I think the hardest part is just literally letting go of every process that I had control over before and realizing that God has asked me to trust Him, not try to control it. There literally are about 2 things I can control right now: what we eat and what we wear. I can't even control my own body today, since there is another little body in it, taking most of the "control" away from me, lol! It's kind of terrifying, to be honest, but I am doing my best to just go with the flow. I never thought I was much of a control freak, until lately! Now I question that thought. Anyhow, it is just another day here in this house. Hopefully baby will stay in for a few more days, so we can make the trek and then she can come out. :) Kind of funny how your perspective can change with circumstances, huh?