Tuesday, June 28, 2011

New Life... still crazy!

So life has been so incredibly jam packed this past couple of months! We have done everything from go on a family vacation to the great Disney World in Orlando, to promptly get sick the moment we arrive home, then off to Dothan, AL for work, to go back to O-town for a surgery, and back again this last weekend for the birth of my newest nephew! Such exciting times! But exhausting! I think I am done traveling with my poor kids- who have been absolute troopers!
I have started a tiny little garden... in pots! :) Since we are renting, I refuse to plant anything I cannot take with me when we move- who knows when that may happen! So, I planted sunflowers, wild flowers, cilantro, basil, parsley, chives, pumpkins, gladiolas, wind flowers, wand flowers, cleome flowers, and something else I can't remember the name of. It's a flower to attract some humming birds. So excited that most of these things are growing now! My sunflowers shot out of the soil in no time flat! I think they are almost 3 feet tall now, and I have only had them maybe 6 weeks! They make me happy! I go outside just to "check" on the flowers! :) I know, I know, crazy, but still, I love it!
On a less happy note, my very best friend has been diagnosed with thyroid cancer, and had to have 1/2 of her thyroid out, and will have to go back to get the rest out in July. Not looking forward to that for her! Overall, it's been a whirlwind of life that I have yet to recover from! So thankful for friends and family that have been so helpful with the kids during this time!
That's all for now, I am pooped, time for a nap! :)

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