Tuesday, April 26, 2011


So Easter Sunday was such a wonderful day! I am so blessed to have such a wonderfully rich heritage in this particular holiday! I LOVE worship on Easter Sunday! It's the one day each year that reminds me why I do what I do. (I am reminded most days, just particularly this day). So, here we are, in church, worshiping, and I am clapping my hands, and I notice, that of the roughly 100 people present, I can count on one hand how many are clapping to this very upbeat song, that really ASKS to be clapped to! My husband and I are 2, I don't think even the pastor was. The lady next to me looks at me, (I see out of the corner of my eye), and takes a step away from me. The next song is "In Christ Alone" and I just want to scream, and cry all at once, because it is so moving a song! The Holy Spirit washes over me in a very specific part of the song that goes something like:
"There in the ground, His body lay, Light of the world by darkness, slain,
"Then bursting forth in glorious day, up from the grave, He rose again!"
And again, I find myself clapping, as if in appreciation for what Christ has accomplished for me on that very cross! I want to jump! I want to dance! I want to shout from the hills, "HE IS RISEN!!!" But I am resolved to tears, I cannot even speak to finish the song! Thank you Jesus!
Then, as we settle into the announcements and about to begin the sermon, I notice this woman next to me, turned so that her back was to me. Am I that bad? Do you really think I am that radical? GOOD! I hope I am a sold out radical for Jesus! I am not sorry that poor Drummer Boy and I were clapping our hearts out, and wanting to shout for joy, and the only ones acting on that! I am not sorry for causing a commotion! I hope it brings new life to the "worship" you stand still and barely sing out loud to. How is that true worship?! I know everyone worships differently, but do you KNOW what HE has DONE FOR YOU?!! I don't think so, if you can stand there, so calm as to not be effected by His ultimate sacrifice! Specifically on this Day, during this song! How can your heart be softened to the Spirit if that is how you worship someone who has literally SAVED YOUR LIFE?!!!
I know I am not alone on this one, any one else feel the same way? Anyone??

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