Thursday, July 19, 2012

Can I breathe yet?

You ever wonder what happened to your day? Where all the time in that day had gone, and what had you really spent your time doing? I am having a lot of those days lately! I seem to think about doing tons of things, and somehow these things do not magically appear done! But I had meant to do them, or I had thought about it, how did I forget to do that? How did I go all day and not get there yet?! What have I DONE all day? Lately I have seen, (I am sure you have, too!), this ecard that is a picture of a woman with the text "Yeah, I'm a stay-at-home mom. Go ahead, ask me what I do all day. I dare you." I am laughing at it, thinking, yep! That sums up my life, because from the outside, it seems like I don't do much. I just know how exhausted I am on the other side of it! Somehow, being 9 months pregnant, about to deliver any day, and having 2 toddlers is just not a good enough excuse in my head to being so pooped, or so seemingly unproductive.  THEN, .... We get called from Nashville, asking us to get there asap. *bigcheesysarcasticgrin*

So! Now, we have to pack up the house, the kids, our life and move 500 miles away. I am not complaining, we have been begging God to give us direction as to where to go, and how it will happen, and He's moving on our behalf! I just wasn't expecting to have to do it all weeks before my due date. So, if I wasn't being stretched when it came to a birth here, I now have new problems to think about, like where the hospital IS! This has been an interesting week full of emotions, and ups and downs. I think I have gone into freak out mode only about 1597 since Monday when things all were solidified, so I'm doing good, ... right? ;)

I do feel like people have looked at us and thought we are just looking for drama. Here I am, as big as a house, and now we announce we are going to move? I have even gotten a less than supportive response from people I would never have expected it from. Not quite sure how to handle it, to be honest. Not my timing, God's, right? I am just trying to be diligent and obedient. I have had so many moments of second guessing it's not even funny. My poor husband is trying to remind me this is what we have been waiting for, and I want to be gracious, and not a complainer. I want God's grace to speak through my life, not my bad attitude. So, if you know me in real life, I apologize now if that isn't always the case, but please know, I want it to be, and it's going to be hard.

On the flip side of all the chaos, I now have a very time consuming thought process other than the fact that I am as big as a house and about to pop! It actually helps to have something to do with my mind other than think about what isn't happening, so I will be thankful and pray it stays the same until after we get settled into a place in Tennessee. Then, I think I can breathe! :)

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