Tuesday, September 25, 2012

The New Normal

So life has been a bit crazy since I last posted! We have moved to Tennessee, I had my baby, and now am currently homeschooling my 2 older children. Life is just a bit... different, let's say, than what I had imagined it would be on this side of things. I think the upset of so many new things set the kids off and they have been literally wild kids since we moved here. Enter homeschooling... Now, before anyone gets their panties (or boxers, whatever) in a wad, let me just say, it's nothing more than structured fun! I am basically calling it school to get us all used to the idea of school one day being a real thing in our house, but also it's a skeleton to hang a schedule on. WE NEED A SCHEDULE!!! I have ALWAYS fought to get my kids in bed, and last week we decided we would read thru the Jesus Storybook Bible (thank you, Amber!!!) at bedtime. Well, it took them 4 nights to figure out the routine and have not fought me to go to bed since! I call that an EPIC win!! LOL! So, I went out and bought (very cheap) curriculum for my kids, just to have a few good ideas to build on, really. Plus the first thing I bought they blew thru in 10 minutes! My kids need something to do with their brains, or they become,... zombies!! I don't want to feed the fear in people about the zombie apocalypse, so I need to feed their brains! ;)

Tennessee is so beautiful! I am loving the scenery here, and now that the leaves are just starting to turn, I am getting very excited about the possibility of snow!! Had to go get the kids some real winter clothes, like a windbreaker! Never needed those in Florida, or Georgia, for that matter! Drummer boy is actually trying to get involved in the music scene up here. Right now he is actually at a drum off at the local Guitar Center! If he wins, he gets a new drum set and free gear for life! Yes, please! (Do you know how much it costs to replace those plastic thingy's on the top and bottom of those drums?) I am just settling into the idea of being a mother of 3! I am sure that I would appreciate this if I had 6, but still not used to having 3 little people need me all at the same time! Still working on making sure the "6" never, ever, ever, ever, EVER happens! Cause I might cut someone,... ya know,... figuratively speaking,... of course!

My birthing experience was less than ideal, but God's perfect plan for this little girl's birth! So I guess "ideal" is a matter of perspective, huh? I did end up going to the hospital, and thankfully, my mom was in town to help us with the kids so Drummer Boy could be with me. I owe him my sanity! I started feeling contractions around midnight, we went to the hospital, the checked me around 3am, I was already dilated to 5 cm. They took my vitals, and asked if blood pressure had always been high... Um, no! Actually it was never a problem! So they wanted to get a good strip of the baby, and watch my BP, so they hooked me up. I agreed to intermittent monitoring, not continuous. Well, because of my BP I ended up in the stupid hospital bed the entire time! Eventually they thought they would give me pitocin to help the contractions be more effective. I said no, break my water instead. Glad they did, there was mecconium (baby's first poop, tar like consistency) in the water. I would not have known what to do if I was at home with that anyway. In fact, the #1 concern I had going into the home birth idea was that there would be tainted water and it be too thick for me to take care of at home. God's kindness poured out to me that I was at the hospital. Also, the third "good enough" reason for us to be at a hospital was that she had a hand up by her head. I told Drummer Boy I knew I had felt fingers around my cervix! Then it all came rushing at me as I lay there on that bed. I now had 3 strikes against me, I could be easily wheeled off for a c-section if I wasn't careful. I wanted to fight with them about staying in bed, because to be honest, I have not ever experienced a stronger instinctual pull than to get off my back, with the exception of taking care of my babies if they are in danger. But, the hospital was rather accommodating when it came to our preferences with the baby. They really did not give me a hard time about delayed cord clamping, or not vaccinating, or immediate skin contact with me. The one and only thing they did do was pull on my cord after the baby was born and they had cut the cord. I am not sure how I managed to keep my cool, but I didn't say anything to them (I do remember kicking someone, lol). All I can think of is that it was just the hormones, and too much to take on after such a very physically demanding labor and delivery. She was 10lbs 1.5oz, folks! I have big babies, but I soooo was not expecting a 10 P.O.U.N.D. baby!!! Shoulders killed me! I am just so thankful she is out, and I am no longer pregnant! She is beautiful, and I couldn't be happier with our little family! I am so very amazed at God's goodness to us, and His grace has been covering us!

So, that's our new normal,... for now at least!

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