Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Unassisted... Birth?! (part 1)

So, today, I decided I would start a "diary" of some of the choices we have had to make regarding the birth of this new baby. I know it may be something that will turn heads, and leave people wondering, "What on EARTH is she THINKING?!" And that's okay, because I hope to shed some light on a very controversial subject, and the thought process that goes into it. Unassisted Childbirth! Yes, I said unassisted. Yes, this means without a medical professional on hand to attend the birth. Now, before you click the back button on your web browser, let me just tell you, this would not be my first choice, and I would not recommend this to other pregnant women, because of the risks. I don't know if I would ever recommend this option for a mom that is trying to explore her options, especially a first time mom, because birth in and of itself is a very complicated thing. Things can, and do, go wrong very quickly when they occur. But, I will tell you, that with the options we have here in this state, it's about the only option that makes good sense for us. Here's why:

  1. The laws in Georgia are very clear that it is illegal for a midwife to attend a birth, with the exception of a nurse midwife under the legal backing of a Doctor. Since we believe we are responsible for the information we have, and commanded by God to obey the law, this makes a very clear decision for us. Although, I do know that midwives still practice without the support of Doctors and still attend home births, I cannot in good faith, hire a home birth midwife for our birth.
  2. The C-section rate at our local hospital is 47%! The World Health Organization (WHO) states that no region in the world is justified in having a cesarean rate greater than 10 to 15 percent. (ref. http://www.childbirth.org/section/CSFact.html) In my opinion that number is based upon the desire to plan your child's birthday, and the fact that the OB's and hospital's get paid more for surgery than just a normal birth. Personally, I am not willing to risk that rate to include me, unless medically necessary, i.e. baby or mom's life is in danger.
  3. I have done extensive research in our city, and online about unassisted births, and I think most people would be really surprised at how safe it can be, if you are well informed, willing to take responsibility for your own birth, and know how to handle different emergencies. Again, not my first choice, nor will it be something I full on recommend, but I do know how to call 911! :) 

I believe that pregnancy and birth are part of a normal function of the female body, and we in the western world have turned it into a medical need of some sort. In some women this can be a true need, and I am all for mom's who don't feel comfortable giving birth by themselves, or in a birth center outside of the hospital. I know that since about 1950, there have been tons of things that the media, doctors, hospitals, and plenty of other "professional" resources have done and said that sent fear up the spines of pregnant women everywhere with the "what if's" in a pregnancy and birth. I also know that when given all the information and options, women can make good logical decisions without the need of fear tactics, and can also know how to call 911 when they need. I am not trying to convince anyone to do something that doesn't make good logical sense, or that they don't feel 100% comfortable with. That is not my goal, by any means, and at the same time, I want people to know they do have options that most people either don't offer, or just don't know are available. This is my heart: that I can share good information that come from reputable sources, that might give someone hope that there may be another way to do things,... most things, in fact!
I have been known to "stir the pot", if you will. This is my current venue, and I do not regularly share these things with just anyone. I would highly recommend speaking with a doctor, or medical professional before making any decisions. The one thing that most people don't do that would (I think) make all the difference, is doing some research on any subject they may have questions about, before speaking with a medical professional, so that when you do get that 5 minutes of their time, you can make the most of it, with all the information you can gather, and all the options. I have had many productive conversations with doctors and midwives and medical professionals when I am prepared with information that they may or may not have known was an option, or do not support. If I go into an office visit with no information, usually I am getting their opinion, and their preferences, not the whole gamut of options available. Which, I don't know about you, but I like to know what all my options are before making any decisions. Like dinner, for instance! :) If steak is an option, but I'm only offered fish sticks, I want to know that I at least have the option! LOL!

Okay, I will stop here for time's sake and pick up again in a few days with more information I have gathered, and hope will be helpful and hopeful to you!

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