Tuesday, June 28, 2011

New Life... still crazy!

So life has been so incredibly jam packed this past couple of months! We have done everything from go on a family vacation to the great Disney World in Orlando, to promptly get sick the moment we arrive home, then off to Dothan, AL for work, to go back to O-town for a surgery, and back again this last weekend for the birth of my newest nephew! Such exciting times! But exhausting! I think I am done traveling with my poor kids- who have been absolute troopers!
I have started a tiny little garden... in pots! :) Since we are renting, I refuse to plant anything I cannot take with me when we move- who knows when that may happen! So, I planted sunflowers, wild flowers, cilantro, basil, parsley, chives, pumpkins, gladiolas, wind flowers, wand flowers, cleome flowers, and something else I can't remember the name of. It's a flower to attract some humming birds. So excited that most of these things are growing now! My sunflowers shot out of the soil in no time flat! I think they are almost 3 feet tall now, and I have only had them maybe 6 weeks! They make me happy! I go outside just to "check" on the flowers! :) I know, I know, crazy, but still, I love it!
On a less happy note, my very best friend has been diagnosed with thyroid cancer, and had to have 1/2 of her thyroid out, and will have to go back to get the rest out in July. Not looking forward to that for her! Overall, it's been a whirlwind of life that I have yet to recover from! So thankful for friends and family that have been so helpful with the kids during this time!
That's all for now, I am pooped, time for a nap! :)

Tuesday, April 26, 2011


So Easter Sunday was such a wonderful day! I am so blessed to have such a wonderfully rich heritage in this particular holiday! I LOVE worship on Easter Sunday! It's the one day each year that reminds me why I do what I do. (I am reminded most days, just particularly this day). So, here we are, in church, worshiping, and I am clapping my hands, and I notice, that of the roughly 100 people present, I can count on one hand how many are clapping to this very upbeat song, that really ASKS to be clapped to! My husband and I are 2, I don't think even the pastor was. The lady next to me looks at me, (I see out of the corner of my eye), and takes a step away from me. The next song is "In Christ Alone" and I just want to scream, and cry all at once, because it is so moving a song! The Holy Spirit washes over me in a very specific part of the song that goes something like:
"There in the ground, His body lay, Light of the world by darkness, slain,
"Then bursting forth in glorious day, up from the grave, He rose again!"
And again, I find myself clapping, as if in appreciation for what Christ has accomplished for me on that very cross! I want to jump! I want to dance! I want to shout from the hills, "HE IS RISEN!!!" But I am resolved to tears, I cannot even speak to finish the song! Thank you Jesus!
Then, as we settle into the announcements and about to begin the sermon, I notice this woman next to me, turned so that her back was to me. Am I that bad? Do you really think I am that radical? GOOD! I hope I am a sold out radical for Jesus! I am not sorry that poor Drummer Boy and I were clapping our hearts out, and wanting to shout for joy, and the only ones acting on that! I am not sorry for causing a commotion! I hope it brings new life to the "worship" you stand still and barely sing out loud to. How is that true worship?! I know everyone worships differently, but do you KNOW what HE has DONE FOR YOU?!! I don't think so, if you can stand there, so calm as to not be effected by His ultimate sacrifice! Specifically on this Day, during this song! How can your heart be softened to the Spirit if that is how you worship someone who has literally SAVED YOUR LIFE?!!!
I know I am not alone on this one, any one else feel the same way? Anyone??

I Can't Wait for Heaven!

So lately I have been reading this book on Heaven, and oh, how it has sparked so much hope in my heart for my eternal life! I have grown up in the church, and for as long as I can remember Heaven was to me an endless church service in a very distant, completely spiritual world. I am learning, that however, the current Heaven may be a spiritual world, our eternal Heaven will be a physical world, on the New Earth! That gives me hope that I don't have to "hurry up" and do all the things I want to do here, before I die, or Christ returns. I will be able to do all the things I was not able to do in this life, for lack of funding, time, knowledge, strength, etc. And so much more! I could write a book on all the things I look forward to doing in Heaven, without fear of harm, or lack of all the above! LOL! I know that for many Christians, this may come as a surprise, because we aren't regularly taught all the things the Bible teaches us about our eternal Heaven, on the New Earth! Did you know there is an actual physical city, (the New Jerusalem), in Heaven right now, waiting for God to bring it down to the New Earth! All so the He may dwell on the New Earth with us! Heaven and Earth will be one! I can't wait, it's so exciting to me! No more thoughts of us just standing around God's throne worshiping and that's the end of all we will ever do! How boring! Surely we will do that, but that's not all we will do! He is a Creator by very nature. If we believe God is infinite, and he gives good gifts, and he delights in our joy, surely you have to believe this!
So, here are just a few things I can't wait to do on the New Earth!
1) Climb mountains!
2) Explore the galaxies!
3) Plant all kinds of fruits and vegetables,... and keep them alive! :)
4) Learn to be a chef!
5) Take care of children!
6) Chat with people from the Bible! (Noah, Moses, Mary, etc.)
7) Watch Jesus' life on earth!
8) Dive into the deep ocean waters, and explore!
9) Learn all about the God of creation!
10) Have the "house" of my dreams! LOL!
 The list could go on,... But, for us believers, there is no reason that these things can't happen! I don't know about you, but my imagination is working overtime these days! God gave me it, I will utilize it!

Revelation 21:1-5
 I saw Heaven and earth new-created. Gone the first Heaven, gone the first earth, gone the sea. I saw Holy Jerusalem, new-created, descending resplendent out of Heaven, as ready for God as a bride for her husband. I heard a voice thunder from the Throne: "Look! Look! God has moved into the neighborhood, making his home with men and women! They're his people, he's their God. He'll wipe every tear from their eyes. Death is gone for good—tears gone, crying gone, pain gone—all the first order of things gone." The Enthroned continued, "Look! I'm making everything new.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Am I the Only One?!

So lately, since Drummer boy and I have been thinking of having another baby, I have been online looking at all kinds of stuff. The #1 thing on my hit list is usually a breastfeeding mom's site, just cause I want to go into it as completely informed as humanly possible, and then maybe get to my goal of nursing for 1 full year. I was on face book on one of the pages I am currently a member of, and someone was talking about when their baby was born, 5 days early, the nursing staff took him away to the nursery, and wouldn't let mom see him, touch him, or feed him for that long! Instead they gave him formula and pacifiers and refused mom seeing him! That is just ridiculous to me! *This is where I get mad!* So many new moms, whether it's their first, or fifteenth baby, go into the hospital/Dr's office and just do as their told, instead of finding out ahead of time what they want to do. I am so saddened by the amount of mothers/parents that are so ill-informed about their rights/responsibilities when it comes to their children. Do you guys even know that a hospital cannot take your baby out of your sight without your permission?! Do you realize that anything they need to do can be done with you either holding the baby or with them?! Do you also know that you do not HAVE to have all this extra *stuff* pumped into your baby at birth?! I read somewhere recently, (as I usually read something about children's medical stuff regularly), that giving a baby the prescribed dose of vaccines at birth is like giving a 180 lb man 5 gallons of the same?! Doesn't that sound like too much to you?! I know that every parent has the right to refuse these medical advisories, but so many parents don't think they have an option, and that it is the best thing for them! Doing 10 minutes of research will pull up so much stuff for you to read on the subject, you can be so well informed when it comes to your child's health! If you are willing to spend 9 months pregnant, and then 18-30 years living with this person God so lovingly gifts you, the least you should be willing to do is invest some time finding out the common practices of your hospital/birthing place/doctor/anyone giving advice!

I digress... This isn't meant to be a post about vaccines, it's meant to be a post about birth and parenting and what's best for your particular child.
The fact that a hospital is NOT allowing something, should raise some red flags, folks! Let's think about this, just for a second. If it's called medical advice, then why do we treat it as Gospel?! If a Dr goes to school for 8-10 years, does that then mean that he has the corner on the market? NO! But, it does mean that he has been taught that this is how things need to work, so that your birth is his income revenue and business. I am of the opinion that I and my husband are responsible for the care and well-being of our kids, not the doctor/hospital. I regularly go against medical advice (AMA), and my kids are both healthy, and I am not upset that we didn't take the time to make better decisions when it comes to their health. We can always add something, but we can never take things away. I also think, if you are uncertain of the benefits of some medical advice, then you have the right to refuse treatment until you are at peace with your decision, knowing as much as you possibly can on the subject. I am also of the mind that breast milk is of superior quality no matter how old your child is, and you have the right to feed your kids whatever you think is best. If you think hot dogs and big mac's are it, then by all means, be my guest! But! I will say, even in that, every parent should be informed of the effect that food has on their growing body! My kids have long since weaned of nursing, but if I had known then, what I know today, people would be raising their eyebrows at me, and talking behind my back about how "I can't believe she is still nursing her 2 YO!" Yeah! That's OK, you have my permission to talk, because it's about the only thing you can do that will help you be OK with what I am doing, I guess. But, (to bring this full circle), I would like to know, (not that it's possible), how long did Jesus nurse for? How long do you think children nurse for in third world countries? When did it become so "bad", "unhealthy", or "wrong" to nurse your baby? I am appalled that so many moms are not supported by the very people that should be promoting health and well being in her new born, the hospitals and doctors of this country! Since when has formula become better than breast milk for a preemie? In fact, if you do a tiny bit of research on the subject you will find that breast milk is what that preemie in the NICU NEEDS! to become a "full term" baby! So, instead of ranting to a mom who probably already feels terrible at this situation, I will tell a (again) not-so-listening audience here! :)
I just want to know one thing... Am I the only one who googles

Friday, April 15, 2011

He Is...

Recently, I had the privilege to attend a ladies simulcast with Priscilla Shirer, and what a true blessing it was to listen to this woman teach! Such a life changing experience for me, since this new season of life doesn't allow for a lot of women's ministries. She had a presentation before the beginning of the Friday night session that truly impacted my thoughts on God, and who He is. I will am working on Scripture references to these attributes of God, so I have noted some of these with it, and when I get the rest done I will update it. (Or you can leave a comment with any verse you find that co-relates).  Hope you enjoy this as much as I did!

He Is...

The First and the Last (Isaiah 44:6; 48:12)
The beginning and the End (Revelation 21:6)
The Keeper of creation (Psalms 8:3)
The Creator of all (Genesis 1:1)
The Architect of the universe (Hebrews 11:3)
The Manager of all time (Psalms 31:15)
He always was, always is, always will be
Unmoved, unchanged, undefeated, and never undone!
Was bruised, but brought healing
Was pierced, but eased pain
Was persecuted, but brought freedom
Was dead, and brings life
Was risen to bring power,
And He reigns to bring peace!
The world can't understand Him
Armies can't defeat Him
Schools can't explain Him
Leaders can't ignore Him
Herod couldn't kill Him
Nero couldn't crush Him
The new age cannot replace Him
And Oprah cannot explain Him away!
He is Life
He is Love
He is Longevity
He is the Lord!
He is goodness and kindness and faithfulness and He is God!
He is holy, and righteous, and powerful, and pure
His ways are right
His word eternal
His will unchanging
And His mind is on us! (Psalm 8:4)
He is our Saviour, our Guide, our Peace, our Joy, our Comfort, our Lord, and He rules our lives!
I serve Him because,
His bond is love
His yolk is easy
His burden is light
And His goal for us is abundant life!
I follow Him because,
He is the Wisdom of the wise
He is the Power of the powerful
The Ancient of days
He is the Ruler of all rulers
the Leader of all leaders!
His goal is a relationship with me,
He will never leave you
Never forsake you
Never mislead you
Never forget you
Never overlook you
And never cancel your appointment in His appointment book
When you fall, He will lift you up
When you fail, He'll forgive you
When you're weak, He's strong
When you're lost, He is your Way
When you're afraid, He's your courage
When you stumble, He will steady you
When you're hurt, He is gonna heal you
When you're broken, He will mend you
When you're blind, He will lead you
When you're hungry, He will feed you
When you face trials, He is with you
When I face persecution, He shields me
When I face problems, He will comfort me
When I face loss, He will provide for me
And when I face death, He will carry us Home to meet Him!
He is everything, to everybody, everywhere, every time, and in every way!
He is your God, and that Sisters, is Who you belong to!

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Hi, my name is,...

No, not Slim Shady! I am new to this whole "blog" idea. Reading them, I have no problem doing, since I love to read, but writing one will be interesting! :) I hope it enables me to "organize" my thoughts! LOL! We will just see about that. But, here is a quick run down of who I am and what I love to do!
Who: Saved by Grace (Mandy), wife to Drummer Boy, Mommy to Bubba and Sissy, and whoever else God allows us to parent. Daughter to Fly Momma and Techy Man. Sister to Artsy, Rider, Hav, and Minime. (I love this whole naming people things other than their names!)
What I love to do: Be a mom and wife! Serve Jesus in the best way I know how! Love on people that need Jesus' love in a practical way! Being apart of what God is doing on this earth! Living naturally is such a passion for me, but I admit now, I'm not the best at it, or the most transitioned to it! I love to read, but I don't get enough time to read all that I would if I didn't have babies! :) But that's ok, I will eventually!
I am sure I am missing lots of things, and I am also sure, we will get to them given enough time! Hopefully I will get a chance to get to know you guys as well, (if I don't already know you)! :)

Isaiah 55:8 "For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are my ways your ways," declares the Lord.